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时间:2015-07-14 15:35来源:未知 作者:最模板 点击:


There are three main characters in foreign trade: yourself, customers and competitors. So if you want to do foreign trade well, you have to know the three main characters mentioned above well, that’s knowing the enemy and yourself then you can fight with no danger! Then what methods should we have to get to know our peer? Let me tell you.

1登陆对方的网站 Log in their websites



After logging in, search competitors’ products, pictures, description, especially key information indicated in it, such as characteristic, selling points. Many people said they did not know the selling point of their product, it can be got from competitors’ website. Notice, the most important thing is to stress promotion on the information that your competitors do not have.



Secret: I have what others do not have while they have, I am good at it!

2搜索对手信息 Search their information





Search on Google with company’s name to know every kind of competitors’ advertisements, registering if it is a free b2b. If it is not for free, we need to know its valid period. If the website valid in 2 ~3 years, it means the website works, and we can take it as reference when we do it.



More importantly, we learn key words used by peer, just take it!

3特殊手段 Special means


Being a customer or buyer to get your peer in trouble so that you can get more information. You can learn how they explain the high price, how to offer the best item of payment, and meanwhile you can get their following up mail, which are all your pretty material for learning.


Get information by communication


Business inner communication is necessary, but you will get trap if you believe it all. Talking with peer, even nine tenths sentences might be fake, there is one that is true.


Of course, you can collect peer’s sample, business card, analyzing their advertisements and so on. Anyway, I think I get the chance to win if I know my enemy well!
