Dear Sir, The check received today brings your account up-to-date. We do appreciate the effort you have made to pay the past-due balance and want to assure you that your credit is now open for the full amount of $15,000. If, in the course of our writing to you, we have sometimes seemed severe or demanding, I hope you will understand that we, too, are under pressure to keep collections on a current basis, if we are to keep credit costs down and to maintain our low price schedule. Rest assured that we consider you a favoured customer with whom we hope to continue a long and happy business relationship. Very sincerely, 敬启者: 今天收到的支票使贵方的帐目重新更新了。我们对贵方在支付过期未付余额方面做出的努力表示感激,同时想向您确定贵方公开信贷的总额为$15000元。 如果在写给贵方的信函中,我们有时有任何言辞激烈或损害双方关系的话,我们希望贵方能给予理解。我们也是在现行的基础上承受着收款的压力。因为我们需要降低信贷成本,保持价格较低的日程表。 另外我们还想向您表示,我们认为您是一位受欢迎的客户,我们希望和您继续保持长期愉快的贸易关系。 敬上 (责任编辑:最模板) |