
数据库都会做这样的划分,根据最正宗的SQL标准,是这样划分的:Cluster > Catalog > Schema > Table
但并不是所有的“数据库供应商”都按照这个标准,比如MySQL的show databases命令,却发现infromation_schema都出来了,因为对于MySQL而言,“database 数据库” 和 “schema 模式” 是同一件事,所以MySQL可以拥有很多个数据库,但是对于Oracle,却只有一个orcl数据库。具体区分如下表
server instance == not identified with catalog, just a set of databases
database == schema == catalog == a namespace within the server.
user == named account, who is can connect to server and use (but can not own - no concept of ownership) objects in one or more databases
to identify any object you need (database name + object name)
In Oracle:
server instance == database == catalog == all data managed by same execution engine
schema == namespace within database, identical to user account
user == schema owner == named account, identical to schema, who can connect to database, who owns the schema and use objects possibly in other schemas
to identify any object you need (schema name + object name)
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