如何删除ecshop后台更新升级等提示,最模板提示详细办法,这里以ecshop2.7.2为例 找到文件admin/index.php
elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'main_api')
require_once(ROOT_PATH . '/includes/lib_base.php');
$data = read_static_cache('api_str');
if($data === false || API_TIME < date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time()-43200))
include_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/cls_transport.php');
$ecs_version = VERSION;
$ecs_lang = $_CFG['lang'];
$ecs_release = RELEASE;
$php_ver = PHP_VERSION;
$mysql_ver = $db->version();
$order['stats'] = $db->getRow('SELECT COUNT(*) AS oCount, IFNULL(SUM(order_amount), 0) AS oAmount' .
' FROM ' .$ecs->table('order_info'));
$ocount = $order['stats']['oCount'];
$oamount = $order['stats']['oAmount'];
$goods['total'] = $db->GetOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' .$ecs->table('goods').
' WHERE is_delete = 0 AND is_alone_sale = 1 AND is_real = 1');
$gcount = $goods['total'];
$ecs_charset = strtoupper(EC_CHARSET);
$ecs_user = $db->getOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $ecs->table('users'));
$ecs_template = $db->getOne('SELECT value FROM ' . $ecs->table('shop_config') . ' WHERE code = \'template\'');
$style = $db->getOne('SELECT value FROM ' . $ecs->table('shop_config') . ' WHERE code = \'stylename\'');
if($style == '')
$style = '0';
$ecs_style = $style;
$shop_url = urlencode($ecs->url());
$patch_file = file_get_contents(ROOT_PATH.ADMIN_PATH."/patch_num");
$apiget = "ver= $ecs_version &lang= $ecs_lang &release= $ecs_release &php_ver= $php_ver &mysql_ver= $mysql_ver &ocount= $ocount &oamount= $oamount &gcount= $gcount &charset= $ecs_charset &usecount= $ecs_user &template= $ecs_template &style= $ecs_style &url= $shop_url &patch= $patch_file ";
$t = new transport;
$api_comment = $t->request('http://api.ecshop.com/checkver.php', $apiget);
$api_str = $api_comment["body"];
echo $api_str;
$f=ROOT_PATH . 'data/config.php';
file_put_contents($f,str_replace("'API_TIME', '".API_TIME."'","'API_TIME', '".date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time())."'",file_get_contents($f)));
write_static_cache('api_str', $api_str);
echo $data;
如: if (file_exists('../install')) 把这里install 重命名就行 (责任编辑:最模板) |