一般来看,网络平台过来的骗子询盘其行骗步骤如下: 行骗第一步: 看中你的某款货物,并要大量订货,数量通常以百万计,引诱卖家上钩; I am the Chief Executive of ××Investments and intendto visit China this month.I have a big job to be done forme as our country is jeering towards the December 7,2013 Presidential and Parliamentary elections. This assignment should have been done earlier but due to time constraints,I am therefore without hesitation coming to China with the contract. The quantity will be about 1,000,000(one milliion head bands and one million wrist bands).Confirm if I should send you the specification and advise me of the quotation and how long it will take to accomplish the mission.TIME IS NOT ON OUR SIDE. I need it for the four main parties.In all we shall need about two to three million pieces.Do reply as soon as practicable. Treat it as urgent.My email address is××@yahoo.com.My telephone numbers in Ghana are: +233-277051577 or+233-242504577 I count on your quality and durability. Regards, ×× CHIEF EXECUTIVE 行骗第二步: 使用各种方式与卖家煞有介事的就产品价格、质量、款式等进行讨论,并急着要对方打样,过程中骗子会表现出一定的专业水平,达到进一步麻痹卖家的目的; 磋商邮件一 Dear××, Your apology for misquoting the prices are well noted.However, if the prices are 0.25 and 0.20 usd for 1,000,000 pieces of both head and wrist bands,then I think you have to reduce the prices. I have to inform my management team at this evening meeting about the latest quotation quoted.Do you know that I will be in China next week and make the 30%percent down payment in RMB, why then should you quote the price in dollars but not RMB.Discuss with your team if the price can be quoted in RMB. Attached is the specimen of two of the party colours.The PNP the ruling government,we need about 1,000.000 and the main opposition party about 500,000 copies of both the head and the wrist bands. 行骗第三步: 当骗子觉得水到渠成时,会以要拜访公司、参观工厂为名要求卖家开出保函; Dear××, As a matter of urgency,management has agreed for me to fly from Guangzhou to Shanghai for us to meet your management team who are accompanying me for the meeting. We shall therefore be grateful if your company will send us an invitation without delay.We need it immediate to take it to the Chinese Embassy for the visa for the counterparts. This is how the invitation letter should read and it should be on your company letterhead signed by the General Manager with your company's stamp or seal.You will send it to me as an attachment so that I can send it to the embassy and pick the visas on Friday.We intend to leave Ghana on Sunday,2nd of November,2008.and reach Shanghai or Guangzhou on the 3rd.Treat this request as urgent and action accordingly. INVITATION LETTER FOR:(邀请函格式) 行骗第四步: 一旦卖家开出保函,骗子便黄鹤一去不复返,拿着保函招摇撞骗,如果骗子们在卖家境内犯事,卖家就得给这些骗子承担法律责任。 这种欺诈行为性质恶劣,伎俩层出不穷,一旦上当就会给出口商带来不同程度的财产损失,因此在网上贸易中要严加防范。俗话说“再狡猾的狐狸也逃不过猎人的眼睛”,对于这种骗局如果我们留心观察,就会发现其中的蛛丝马迹,以上面案例为例来简单分析下: 破绽一、骗子留下的邮箱。按理说能下这样大订单的公司通常都是规范的大公司,这类公司在进行正式的商务磋商中留下的邮箱应该是公司邮箱或是政府邮箱。而该案例中骗子留的是门户网站yahoo的信箱,据此可初步判定该买家不专业且公司实力不强,可能是个人或者是个小公司。 破绽二、话语不一致。虽然在磋商邮件中骗子想表现出专业性,但事实确是说话颠三倒四,连价格以及支付的货币这种关键条款都能说错,这样的大错误专业的买家会一而再,再而三的犯么? 破绽三、对价格不敏感。正常来讲,中小买家对价格尤其敏感,在价格,支付方式,订金这些涉及到利益方面的条款谈判会特别胶着,再怎么不谨慎的买家至少会在确认样品之后才会有后继的订单,大金额的订单应该还要签订正式的合同,然后才会到支付定金这一环节。 而该骗子样品没看,合同没签就匆匆允诺到中国后就付定金,这种有悖常理的定金是不是来得太容易?会不会是陷阱? 所以,这个骗子的目的就是为了保函。 (责任编辑:最模板) |