© 2002-2018 最模板 zuimoban.com 版权所有,并保留所有权利。
<!– #BeginLibraryItem “/library/comments1.lbi” –><!– #EndLibraryItem –>
1 | <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> |
2 | {insert_scripts files='transport.js,utils.js'} |
3 | <div id="ECS_COMMENT1"> {* ECSHOP 提醒您:动态载入comments_list1.lbi,显示评论列表和评论表单 *}{insert name='comments1' type=2 id=$id}</div> |
1 | /*购买前咨询*/ |
2 |
3 | function insert_comments1($arr) |
4 | { |
5 | $need_cache = $GLOBALS['smarty']->caching; |
6 | $need_compile = $GLOBALS['smarty']->force_compile; |
7 |
8 | $GLOBALS['smarty']->caching = false; |
9 | $GLOBALS['smarty']->force_compile = true; |
10 |
11 | /* 验证码相关设置 */ |
12 | if ((intval($GLOBALS['_CFG']['captcha']) & CAPTCHA_COMMENT) && gd_version() > 0) |
13 | { |
14 | $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('enabled_captcha', 1); |
15 | $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('rand', mt_rand()); |
16 | } |
17 | $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('username', stripslashes($_SESSION['user_name'])); |
18 | $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('email', $_SESSION['email']); |
19 | $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('comment_type', 2); |
20 | $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('id', $arr['id']); |
21 | $cmt = assign_comment($arr['id'], $arr['type']); |
22 | $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('comments', $cmt['comments']); |
23 | $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('pager', $cmt['pager']); |
24 |
25 | $val = $GLOBALS['smarty']->fetch('library/comments_list1.lbi'); |
26 |
27 | $GLOBALS['smarty']->caching = $need_cache; |
28 | $GLOBALS['smarty']->force_compile = $need_compile; |
29 |
30 | return $val; |
31 | } |
1 | <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> |
2 | <!--用户咨询 START--> |
3 | <div class="box"> |
4 | <div class="box_1"> |
5 | <h3><span class="text">用户咨询</span>({$lang.total}<font class="f1">{$pager.record_count}</font>用户咨询)</h3> |
6 |
7 | <div class="boxCenterList clearfix" style="height:1%;"> |
8 | <ul class="comments"> |
9 | <!-- {if $comments} --> |
10 | <!-- {foreach from=$comments item=comment} --> |
11 | <li class="word"> |
12 | <font class="f2"><!-- {if $comment.username} -->{$comment.username|escape:html}<!-- {else} -->{$lang.anonymous}<!-- {/if} --></font> <font class="f3">( {$comment.add_time} )</font><br /> |
13 | <img src="../images/stars{$comment.rank}.gif" alt="{$comment.comment_rank}"/> |
14 | <p>{$comment.content}</p> |
15 | <!-- {if $comment.re_content} --> |
16 | <p><font class="f1">{$lang.admin_username}</font>{$comment.re_content}</p> |
17 | <!-- {/if} --> |
18 | </li> |
19 | <!-- {/foreach} --> |
20 | <!--{else}--> |
21 | <li>目前没有任何用户咨询</li> |
22 | <!--{/if}--> |
23 | </ul> |
24 | <!--翻页 start--> |
25 | <div id="pagebar" class="f_r"> |
26 | <form name="sel ectPageForm" action="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}" method="get"> |
27 | <!-- {if $pager.styleid eq 0 } --> |
28 | <div id="pager"> |
29 | {$lang.pager_1}{$pager.record_count}{$lang.pager_2}{$lang.pager_3}{$pager.page_count}{$lang.pager_4} <span> <a href="{$pager.page_first}">{$lang.page_first}</a> <a href="{$pager.page_prev}">{$lang.page_prev}</a> <a href="{$pager.page_next}">{$lang.page_next}</a> <a href="{$pager.page_last}">{$lang.page_last}</a> </span> |
30 | <!--{foreach from=$pager.search key=key item=item}--> |
31 | <input type="hidden" name="{$key}" value="{$item}" /> |
32 | <!--{/foreach}--> |
33 | </div> |
34 | <!--{else}--> |
35 | <!--翻页 start--> |
36 | <div id="pager" class="pagebar"> |
37 | <span class="f_l f6" style="margin-right:10px;">{$lang.total} <b>{$pager.record_count}</b> {$lang.user_comment_num}</span> |
38 | <!-- {if $pager.page_first} --><a href="{$pager.page_first}">1 ...</a><!-- {/if} --> |
39 | <!-- {if $pager.page_prev} --><a class="prev" href="{$pager.page_prev}">{$lang.page_prev}</a><!-- {/if} --> |
40 | <!--{foreach from=$pager.page_number key=key item=item}--> |
41 | <!-- {if $pager.page eq $key} --> |
42 | <span class="page_now">{$key}</span> |
43 | <!-- {else} --> |
44 | <a href="{$item}">[{$key}]</a> |
45 | <!-- {/if} --> |
46 | <!--{/foreach}--> |
47 | <!-- {if $pager.page_next} --><a class="next" href="{$pager.page_next}">{$lang.page_next}</a><!-- {/if} --> |
48 | <!-- {if $pager.page_last} --><a class="last" href="{$pager.page_last}">...{$pager.page_count}</a><!-- {/if} --> |
49 | <!-- {if $pager.page_kbd} --> |
50 | <!--{foreach from=$pager.search key=key item=item}--> |
51 | <input type="hidden" name="{$key}" value="{$item}" /> |
52 | <!--{/foreach}--> |
53 | <kbd style="float:left; margin-left:8px; position:relative; bottom:3px;"><input type="text" name="page" size="3" class="B_blue" /></kbd> |
54 | <!-- {/if} --> |
55 | </div> |
56 | <!--翻页 END--> |
57 | <!-- {/if} --> |
58 | </form> |
59 | <script type="Text/Javascript" language="JavaScript"> |
60 | <!-- |
61 | {literal} |
62 | function sel ectPage(sel) |
63 | { |
64 | sel.form.submit(); |
65 | } |
66 | {/literal} |
67 | //--> |
68 | </script> |
69 | </div> |
70 | <!--翻页 END--> |
71 | <div class="blank5"></div> |
72 | <!--咨询表单 start--> |
73 | <div class="commentsList"> |
74 | <form action="javascript:;" onsubmit="submitComment1(this)" method="post"name="commentForm1" id="commentForm1"> |
75 | <table width="700" border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0"> |
76 |
77 | <tr> |
78 | <td align="right">E-mail:</td> |
79 | <td> |
80 | <input type="text" name="email" id="email" maxlength="100" value="{$smarty.session.email|escape}" class="inputBorder"/> |
81 | </td> |
82 | </tr> |
83 |
84 | <tr> |
85 | <td align="right" valign="top">{$lang.comment_content}:</td> |
86 | <td> |
87 | <textarea name="content" class="inputBorder" style="height:50px; width:560px;"></textarea> |
88 | <input type="hidden" name="cmt_type" value="2" /> |
89 | <input type="hidden" name="id" value="{$id}" /> |
90 | </td> |
91 | </tr> |
92 | <tr> |
93 | <td colspan="2"> |
94 | <!-- 判断是否启用验证码{if $enabled_captcha} --> |
95 | <div style="padding-left:15px; text-align:left; float:left;"> |
96 | {$lang.comment_captcha}:<input type="text" name="captcha" class="inputBorder" style="width:50px; margin-left:5px;"/> |
97 | <img src="captcha.php?{$rand}" alt="captcha" class="captcha"onClick="this.src='captcha.php?'+Math.random()"> |
98 | </div> |
99 | <!-- {/if} --> |
100 | <input name="" type="submit" value=" " class="f_r" style="border:none; background:url(../images/commentsBnt.gif); width:75px; height:21px; margin-right:8px;"> |
101 | </td> |
102 | </tr> |
103 | </table> |
104 | </form> |
105 | </div> |
106 | <!--咨询表单 end--> |
107 | </div> |
108 | </div> |
109 | </div> |
110 | <div class="blank5"></div> |
111 | <!--用户咨询 END--> |
112 | <script type="text/javascript"> |
113 | //<![CDATA[ |
114 | {foreach from=$lang.cmt_lang item=item key=key} |
115 | var {$key} = "{$item}"; |
116 | {/foreach} |
117 | {literal} |
118 | /** |
119 | * 提交咨询信息 |
120 | */ |
121 | function submitComment1(frm) |
122 | { |
123 | var cmt = new Object; |
124 |
125 | cmt.email = frm.elements['email'].value; |
126 | cmt.content = frm.elements['content'].value; |
127 | cmt.type = frm.elements['cmt_type'].value; |
128 | cmt.id = frm.elements['id'].value; |
129 | cmt.enabled_captcha = frm.elements['enabled_captcha'] ? frm.elements['enabled_captcha'].value : '0'; |
130 | cmt.captcha = frm.elements['captcha'] ? frm.elements['captcha'].value : ''; |
131 | cmt.rank = 5; |
132 |
133 | if (cmt.email.length > 0) |
134 | { |
135 | if (!(Utils.isEmail(cmt.email))) |
136 | { |
137 | alert(cmt_error_email); |
138 | return false; |
139 | } |
140 | } |
141 | else |
142 | { |
143 | alert(cmt_empty_email); |
144 | return false; |
145 | } |
146 | if (cmt.content.length == 0) |
147 | { |
148 | alert(cmt_empty_content); |
149 | return false; |
150 | } |
151 | if (cmt.enabled_captcha > 0 && cmt.captcha.length == 0 ) |
152 | { |
153 | alert(captcha_not_null); |
154 | return false; |
155 | } |
156 | Ajax.call('comment1.php', 'cmt=' + cmt.toJSONString(), commentRespone1, 'POST', 'JSON'); |
157 | return false; |
158 | } |
159 | /** |
160 | * 处理提交咨询的反馈信息 |
161 | */ |
162 | function commentRespone1(result) |
163 | { |
164 | if (result.message) |
165 | { |
166 | alert(result.message); |
167 | } |
168 | if (result.error == 0) |
169 | { |
170 | var layer = document.getElementById('ECS_COMMENT1'); |
171 | if (layer) |
172 | { |
173 | layer.innerHTML = result.content; |
174 | } |
175 | } |
176 | } |
177 | {/literal} |
178 | //]]> |
179 | </script> |
1 | <?php |
2 |
3 | /** |
4 | * ECSHOP 提交用户评论 |
5 | * ============================================================================ |
6 | * 版权所有 2005-2010 上海商派网络科技有限公司,并保留所有权利。 |
7 | * 网站地址: http://www.ecshop.com; |
8 | * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
9 | * 这不是一个自由软件!您只能在不用于商业目的的前提下对程序代码进行修改和 |
10 | * 使用;不允许对程序代码以任何形式任何目的的再发布。 |
11 | * ============================================================================ |
12 | * $Author: liuhui $ |
13 | * $Id: comment.php 17063 2010-03-25 06:35:46Z liuhui $ |
14 | */ |
15 |
16 | define('IN_ECS', true); |
17 |
18 | require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/init.php'); |
19 | require(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/cls_json.php'); |
20 |
21 | if (!isset($_REQUEST['cmt']) && !isset($_REQUEST['act'])) |
22 | { |
23 | /* 只有在没有提交评论内容以及没有act的情况下才跳转 */ |
24 | ecs_header("Location: ./\n"); |
25 | exit; |
26 | } |
27 | $_REQUEST['cmt'] = isset($_REQUEST['cmt']) ? json_str_iconv($_REQUEST['cmt']) : ''; |
28 |
29 | $json = new JSON; |
30 | $result = array('error' => 0, 'message' => '', 'content' => ''); |
31 |
32 | if (empty($_REQUEST['act'])) |
33 | { |
34 | /* |
35 | * act 参数为空 |
36 | * 默认为添加评论内容 |
37 | */ |
38 | $cmt = $json->decode($_REQUEST['cmt']); |
39 | $cmt->page = 1; |
40 | $cmt->id = !empty($cmt->id) ? intval($cmt->id) : 0; |
41 | $cmt->type = !empty($cmt->type) ? intval($cmt->type) : 0; |
42 |
43 | if (empty($cmt) || !isset($cmt->type) || !isset($cmt->id)) |
44 | { |
45 | $result['error'] = 1; |
46 | $result['message'] = $_LANG['invalid_comments']; |
47 | } |
48 | elseif (!is_email($cmt->email)) |
49 | { |
50 | $result['error'] = 1; |
51 | $result['message'] = $_LANG['error_email']; |
52 | } |
53 | else |
54 | { |
55 | if ((intval($_CFG['captcha']) & CAPTCHA_COMMENT) && gd_version() > 0) |
56 | { |
57 | /* 检查验证码 */ |
58 | include_once('includes/cls_captcha.php'); |
59 |
60 | $validator = new captcha(); |
61 | if (!$validator->check_word($cmt->captcha)) |
62 | { |
63 | $result['error'] = 1; |
64 | $result['message'] = $_LANG['invalid_captcha']; |
65 | } |
66 | else |
67 | { |
68 | $factor = intval($_CFG['comment_factor']); |
69 | if ($cmt->type == 0 && $factor > 0) |
70 | { |
71 | /* 只有商品才检查评论条件 */ |
72 | switch ($factor) |
73 | { |
74 | case COMMENT_LOGIN : |
75 | if ($_SESSION['user_id'] == 0) |
76 | { |
77 | $result['error'] = 1; |
78 | $result['message'] = $_LANG['comment_login']; |
79 | } |
80 | break; |
81 |
82 | case COMMENT_CUSTOM : |
83 | if ($_SESSION['user_id'] > 0) |
84 | { |
85 | $sql = "SELECT o.order_id FROM " . $ecs->table('order_info') . " AS o ". |
86 | " WHERE user_id = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'". |
87 | " AND o.order_status = '" . OS_CONFIRMED . "' ". |
88 | " AND (o.pay_status = '" . PS_PAYED . "' OR o.pay_status = '" . PS_PAYING . "') ". |
89 | " AND (o.shipping_status = '" . SS_SHIPPED ."' OR o.shipping_status = '" . SS_RECEIVED . "') ". |
90 | " LIMIT 1"; |
91 |
92 | $tmp = $db->getOne($sql); |
93 | if (empty($tmp)) |
94 | { |
95 | $result['error'] = 1; |
96 | $result['message'] = $_LANG['comment_custom']; |
97 | } |
98 | } |
99 | else |
100 | { |
101 | $result['error'] = 1; |
102 | $result['message'] = $_LANG['comment_custom']; |
103 | } |
104 | break; |
105 |
106 | case COMMENT_BOUGHT : |
107 | if ($_SESSION['user_id'] > 0) |
108 | { |
109 | $sql = "SELECT o.order_id". |
110 | " FROM " . $ecs->table('order_info'). " AS o, ". |
111 | $ecs->table('order_goods') . " AS og ". |
112 | " WHERE o.order_id = og.order_id". |
113 | " AND o.user_id = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'". |
114 | " AND og.goods_id = '" . $cmt->id . "'". |
115 | " AND o.order_status = '" . OS_CONFIRMED . "' ". |
116 | " AND (o.pay_status = '" . PS_PAYED . "' OR o.pay_status = '" . PS_PAYING . "') ". |
117 | " AND (o.shipping_status = '" . SS_SHIPPED ."' OR o.shipping_status = '" . SS_RECEIVED . "') ". |
118 | " LIMIT 1"; |
119 | $tmp = $db->getOne($sql); |
120 | if (empty($tmp)) |
121 | { |
122 | $result['error'] = 1; |
123 | $result['message'] = $_LANG['comment_brought']; |
124 | } |
125 | } |
126 | else |
127 | { |
128 | $result['error'] = 1; |
129 | $result['message'] = $_LANG['comment_brought']; |
130 | } |
131 | } |
132 | } |
133 |
134 | /* 无错误就保存留言 */ |
135 | if (empty($result['error'])) |
136 | { |
137 | add_comment($cmt); |
138 | } |
139 | } |
140 | } |
141 | else |
142 | { |
143 | /* 没有验证码时,用时间来限制机器人发帖或恶意发评论 */ |
144 | if (!isset($_SESSION['send_time'])) |
145 | { |
146 | $_SESSION['send_time'] = 0; |
147 | } |
148 |
149 | $cur_time = gmtime(); |
150 | if (($cur_time - $_SESSION['send_time']) < 30) // 小于30秒禁止发评论 |
151 | { |
152 | $result['error'] = 1; |
153 | $result['message'] = $_LANG['cmt_spam_warning']; |
154 | } |
155 | else |
156 | { |
157 | $factor = intval($_CFG['comment_factor']); |
158 | if ($cmt->type == 0 && $factor > 0) |
159 | { |
160 | /* 只有商品才检查评论条件 */ |
161 | switch ($factor) |
162 | { |
163 | case COMMENT_LOGIN : |
164 | if ($_SESSION['user_id'] == 0) |
165 | { |
166 | $result['error'] = 1; |
167 | $result['message'] = $_LANG['comment_login']; |
168 | } |
169 | break; |
170 |
171 | case COMMENT_CUSTOM : |
172 | if ($_SESSION['user_id'] > 0) |
173 | { |
174 | $sql = "SELECT o.order_id FROM " . $ecs->table('order_info') . " AS o ". |
175 | " WHERE user_id = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'". |
176 | " AND o.order_status = '" . OS_CONFIRMED . "' ". |
177 | " AND (o.pay_status = '" . PS_PAYED . "' OR o.pay_status = '" . PS_PAYING . "') ". |
178 | " AND (o.shipping_status = '" . SS_SHIPPED ."' OR o.shipping_status = '" . SS_RECEIVED . "') ". |
179 | " LIMIT 1"; |
180 |
181 | $tmp = $db->getOne($sql); |
182 | if (empty($tmp)) |
183 | { |
184 | $result['error'] = 1; |
185 | $result['message'] = $_LANG['comment_custom']; |
186 | } |
187 | } |
188 | else |
189 | { |
190 | $result['error'] = 1; |
191 | $result['message'] = $_LANG['comment_custom']; |
192 | } |
193 | break; |
194 |
195 | case COMMENT_BOUGHT : |
196 | if ($_SESSION['user_id'] > 0) |
197 | { |
198 | $sql = "SELECT o.order_id". |
199 | " FROM " . $ecs->table('order_info'). " AS o, ". |
200 | $ecs->table('order_goods') . " AS og ". |
201 | " WHERE o.order_id = og.order_id". |
202 | " AND o.user_id = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'". |
203 | " AND og.goods_id = '" . $cmt->id . "'". |
204 | " AND o.order_status = '" . OS_CONFIRMED . "' ". |
205 | " AND (o.pay_status = '" . PS_PAYED . "' OR o.pay_status = '" . PS_PAYING . "') ". |
206 | " AND (o.shipping_status = '" . SS_SHIPPED ."' OR o.shipping_status = '" . SS_RECEIVED . "') ". |
207 | " LIMIT 1"; |
208 | $tmp = $db->getOne($sql); |
209 | if (empty($tmp)) |
210 | { |
211 | $result['error'] = 1; |
212 | $result['message'] = $_LANG['comment_brought']; |
213 | } |
214 | } |
215 | else |
216 | { |
217 | $result['error'] = 1; |
218 | $result['message'] = $_LANG['comment_brought']; |
219 | } |
220 | } |
221 | } |
222 | /* 无错误就保存留言 */ |
223 | if (empty($result['error'])) |
224 | { |
225 | add_comment($cmt); |
226 | $_SESSION['send_time'] = $cur_time; |
227 | } |
228 | } |
229 | } |
230 | } |
231 | } |
232 | else |
233 | { |
234 | /* |
235 | * act 参数不为空 |
236 | * 默认为评论内容列表 |
237 | * 根据 _GET 创建一个静态对象 |
238 | */ |
239 | $cmt = new stdClass(); |
240 | $cmt->id = !empty($_GET['id']) ? intval($_GET['id']) : 0; |
241 | $cmt->type = !empty($_GET['type']) ? intval($_GET['type']) : 0; |
242 | $cmt->page = !empty($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1; |
243 | } |
244 |
245 | if ($result['error'] == 0) |
246 | { |
247 | $comments = assign_comment($cmt->id, $cmt->type, $cmt->page); |
248 |
249 | $smarty->assign('comment_type', $cmt->type); |
250 | $smarty->assign('id', $cmt->id); |
251 | $smarty->assign('username', $_SESSION['user_name']); |
252 | $smarty->assign('email', $_SESSION['email']); |
253 | $smarty->assign('comments', $comments['comments']); |
254 | $smarty->assign('pager', $comments['pager']); |
255 |
256 | /* 验证码相关设置 */ |
257 | if ((intval($_CFG['captcha']) & CAPTCHA_COMMENT) && gd_version() > 0) |
258 | { |
259 | $smarty->assign('enabled_captcha', 1); |
260 | $smarty->assign('rand', mt_rand()); |
261 | } |
262 |
263 | $result['message'] = $_CFG['comment_check'] ? $_LANG['cmt_submit_wait'] :$_LANG['cmt_submit_done']; |
264 | $result['content'] = $smarty->fetch("library/comments_list1.lbi"); |
265 | } |
266 |
267 | echo $json->encode($result); |
268 |
269 | /*------------------------------------------------------ */ |
271 | /*------------------------------------------------------ */ |
272 |
273 | /** |
274 | * 添加评论内容 |
275 | * |
276 | * @access public |
277 | * @param object $cmt |
278 | * @return void |
279 | */ |
280 | function add_comment($cmt) |
281 | { |
282 | /* 评论是否需要审核 */ |
283 | $status = 1 - $GLOBALS['_CFG']['comment_check']; |
284 |
285 | $user_id = empty($_SESSION['user_id']) ? 0 : $_SESSION['user_id']; |
286 | $email = empty($cmt->email) ? $_SESSION['email'] : trim($cmt->email); |
287 | $user_name = empty($cmt->username) ? $_SESSION['user_name'] : trim($cmt->username); |
288 | $email = htmlspecialchars($email); |
289 | $user_name = htmlspecialchars($user_name); |
290 |
291 | /* 保存评论内容 */ |
292 | $sql = "INSERT INTO " .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('comment') . |
293 | "(comment_type, id_value, email, user_name, content, comment_rank, add_time, ip_address, status, parent_id, user_id) VALUES " . |
294 | "('" .$cmt->type. "', '" .$cmt->id. "', '$email', '$user_name', '" .$cmt->content."', '".$cmt->rank."', ".gmtime().", '".real_ip()."', '$status', '0', '$user_id')"; |
295 |
296 | $result = $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); |
297 | clear_cache_files('comments_list1.lbi'); |
298 | /*if ($status > 0) |
299 | { |
300 | add_feed($GLOBALS['db']->insert_id(), COMMENT_GOODS); |
301 | }*/ |
302 | return $result; |
303 | } |
304 |
305 | ?> |
1 | /* * |
2 | *购买前咨询的翻页函数 |
3 | */ |
4 | function gotoPage1(page, id, type) |
5 | { |
6 | Ajax.call('comment1.php?act=gotopage', 'page=' + page + '&id=' + id + '&type=2', gotoPageRespone1, 'GET', 'JSON'); |
7 | } |
8 |
9 | function gotoPageRespone1(result) |
10 | { |
11 | document.getElementById("ECS_COMMENT1").innerHTML = result.content; |
12 | } |
1 | <td><a href="../{if $comment.comment_type eq '0' || $comment.comment_type eq '2' }goods{else}article{/if}.php?id={$comment.id_value}" target="_blank">{$comment.title}</td> |
1 | $_LANG['type'] = array('商品','文章','咨询'); |
1 | $sql = ($row['comment_type'] == 0 || $row['comment_type'] == 2) ? |
2 | "SELECT goods_name FROM " .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods'). " WHERE goods_id='$row[id_value]'" : |
3 | "SELECT title FROM ".$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('article'). " WHERE article_id='$row[id_value]'"; |
4 | $row['title'] = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql); |