进入ecshop管理后台提示 Strict Standards: Non-static method cls_image::gd_version() should not be called statically in /includes/lib_base.php on line 346 找到includes/cls_image.php中的678行,发现gd_version()方法未声明静态...
1、admin/index.php admin/sms_url.php 报错:Strict Standards: mktime(): You should be using the time() function instead in /data/web/ledetaoadmin/sms_url.php on line 31 1 $auth = mktime (); 替换为: 1 $auth = time(); 报错:Strict...
ECShop安装之后,在后台发现一个错误提示: StrictStandards:mktime():Youshouldbeusingthe time() function instead in E:\web\shopex\admin\shop_config.php on line 32 这个错误提示的意思:mktime()方法不带参数被调用时...