Expand the Disable Modules Output tab
Select Disable Mage_AdminNotification Tab abd Save Config Button Removed the Latest message option as seen below
Expand the Disable Modules Output tab
Select Disable Mage_AdminNotification Tab abd Save Config Button Removed the Latest message option as seen below
不幸的是,没有任何 api 在 Magento 中创建用户帐户,我们可以创建使用 Magento 类客户 / API。 这...
找了好久才找到,其实设置很简单。在后台的configruation-catlog-catlog-layerd navigation中进行设置,...
为大家分享下我们经常用到的Magento调用商品图片的几种方法: $product=Mage::getModel(catalog/produc...
Dropdown login forms are not a feature many online stores use, but in some cases they could be quite useful UX feature. I...