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时间:2014-05-29 20:08来源: 作者: 点击:
做外贸,运气真的很重要。 我今天要谈的这个客人是澳大利亚的。我们暂且称他为B吧。 说来很巧,之前有个外贸公司要我报了一些门,围栏和楼梯扶手的价格,说他有个客人想采购,然后我





    随后他就跟我解释"i worried about this because:i bought some usd 20,000 of gate and fence from china 2 years ago and they garanteed me that they galvanized their products and then i got it here and one year latter i got a rusty fence which i had to change just one month ago.i lost a lot of money, and i lost trust to deal with china"




    他发了一份报价表给我(也就是我之前发给厦门外贸公司的那份):well this what i am sending is a quote for some stair railing and a gate and fence from xiamen,you see on that quote you see i have sent you,,their prices are not reasonable ,, they are more than i can afford,,so i ask you to to see if you can do cheaper than that,,,otherwise i cant buy,,to expencive,these people want to make too much profit


    V:sir, is it the price i send to you before?

    B:you sent me?? you never dealt with me

    V:i think it i send to you

    B:i think someone else is buying from you and trying to make a big profit, and sell it to me, so tell me if you want to deal with me or not??

    V:may be you leaving message in alibaba to us, then i send to you

    B:no, no, never.. i think the people from xiamen

    V:i will check it

    B:are getting these prices from you and puuting their profit on top and then selling to me. so check and let me know.

    V:is it this price list from jason? yes, he from xiamen

    B:any way, talk to your manager, and let me know weather you want to deal direct with me or not, and weather you can do me your better prices, i will buy evry year.

    it was the bigest coincidence to meet you tonight. you see if i new who you were i would not have sent you my quote from Jason, but i did not know, i was just searching on the alibaba trade centre for suppliers of wrought iron, and i was going thrue the photos, and i thought to myself ,,how about i try and talk to this one, i just picked you, for no particular reason, and here you are ,,, the same person that jason has been talking too, ha ha, it is very rare, in all china, i pick you tonight, if i would have tried to find you i would have never have found you, becouse i new no name or anything for you, just pure luck.

    i wont forget this.

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