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时间:2014-05-29 19:41来源: 作者: 点击:
Most of time , people like insisting on his /her idea, although he/she doesn’t know whether it is right or reasonable, I think it just like a faith of them, just as Christianism in Europe, they believe in and adobe it , they will insist until they

Most of time , people like insisting on his /her idea, although he/she doesn’t know whether it is right or reasonable, I think it just like a faith of them, just as Christianism in Europe, they believe in and adobe it , they will insist until they walk to death..

Around our life, we should face many things and persons, but the ability of people is limited, It is impossible for us to change the nature , when disaster comes to human being, we become passived, and helpless, however, we will never give up making efforts to change and save .yeah, it is a challenge, we should face it actively and encouragely ,In the end, we must overcome that, people never care the result of their efforts .they only  plunge themselves into the process of the saving. I think this is the nature ability of human being ,a strong will sustain them to the end , this power is terrible, it can make lots of things changed, and maybe sometimes some miracle will appear in front of human being…..


According to the feeling of humans, it is not clear to show something, from time to time, we are not sure whether we should insist on our feelings, but we do like that ,cos we can’t control ourselves, when you fall in love river, maybe you will lose your intellect , some words , some smile, some comportment could make you remember forever, we can’t choose to remember something ,and forget something , once something happened in our lifes, it becomes past. What it left to us is the memory, I think memory has the life-span, and it was controlled by our minds. There is a rule to memory, if you force yourself to forget something ,usually , you must fail to forget something, cos a kind of consciousness in your mind make you remember that more and more clearly, , it is difficulty to fade something from one’s memory by action,,,  the only way to forget is the time , the time owns huge power to control human beings mind…

there is an adage like that time can change everything! ,even I don’t agree on that absolutely, I believe that time can change much than any other items. But some memory can not be faded according to the time’s past… once something happened, it meaning eternal a t that moment.!

The mind will never give up that  pieces of memory. This is the rule of life .  but as for the human being, we should live in today, not yesterday or memory . the most important things for us is to look forward to wonderful tomorrow !

Yes ,. Don’t forget yesterday, control today. In that case ,  we can create much better future……….I believe in that “NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO MAKE EFFORT”!

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