这里magento以重写 app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Block/Navigation.php模块 为例 1. 复制Mage (不推荐使用 ) First add a new Navigation.php file you can edit to your local folder that Magento will reference instead of the original....
在Magento中一个产品可以加入多个分类中,那么如何获取产品所在的所有分类呢?又要用到SQL了: 1 select c.sku 2 ,GROUP_CONCAT(p.category_id SEPARATOR ,) as categories 3 from catalog_product_entity as c 4 inn...
1、config.xml配置 [html] view plaincopy models home class Handheld_Home_Model / class resourceModel home_mysql4 / resourceModel / home home_mysql4 class Handheld_Home_Model_Resource_Mysql4 / class !--具体到文件夹-- entities home_mi...