有时候我们自己被锁定在WordPress后端,主要是因为忘记了密码。大多数情况下,您可以通过电子邮件重置密码 但是你有时也会忘记你的电子邮件密码。不好了!这太可怕了。
在这里我介绍一种通过FTP /文件管理器创建一个新的PHP脚本临时WordPress管理帐户的方法,这样您就可以进入,更改旧帐户的密码,然后使用旧帐户登录,然后删除临时帐户。
// ADD NEW ADMIN USER TO WORDPRESS // ---------------------------------- // Put this file in your WordPress root directory and run it from your browser. // Delete it when you're done. zuimoban.com require_once('wp-blog-header.php'); require_once('wp-includes/registration.php'); // CONFIG $newusername = 'zuimoban'; $newpassword = 'zuimoban'; $newemail = 'zuimoban@gmail.com'; // Make sure you set CONFIG variables if ( $newpassword != 'YOURPASSWORD' && $newemail != 'YOUREMAIL@TEST.com' && $newusername !='YOURUSERNAME' ) { // Check that user doesn't already exist if ( !username_exists($newusername) && !email_exists($newemail) ) { // Create user and set role to administrator $user_id = wp_create_user( $newusername, $newpassword, $newemail); if ( is_int($user_id) ) { $wp_user_object = new WP_User($user_id); $wp_user_object->set_role('administrator'); echo 'Successfully created new admin user. Now delete this file!'; } else { echo 'Error with wp_insert_user. No users were created.'; } } else { echo 'This user or email already exists. Nothing was done.'; } } else { echo "Whoops, looks like you didn't set a password, username, or email before running the script. Set these variables and try again."; }
$newusername = 'zuimoban'; $newpassword = 'zuimoban'; $newemail = 'zuimoban@gmail.com';