14.谈判技巧之置之死地而后生。 昨天,印度的客户打电话给我,说自己已经抵达泰安,关于产品的采购问题,希望我们能够过去当面谈!这个客户已经联系了4个多月,已经报过很多次价格,但是每次都未能合作,原因在于客户认为我们的价格没有优势。其实前段时间报价的确是很高,因为会计计算成本的失误(前面已经写过),造成价格比同行高出太多,最近一次是一个星期之前,他再次问价,我们报了一个我们认为很低的价格!但是一直没有得到回信,原来是已经来到中国! 于是开车过去,到宾馆里见到,寒暄的话这里就不表述了,把原来的价格再次确认后,开始进入了关键的阶段:(A代表客户,B代表我)。 这里还要提一下,客户上来见我的第一句话就是:Jacky,I have another meeting with my supplier 30 minutes later.So we must deal with our business as soon as possible.不知道是真是假,但是意思很明确,半个小时能谈就谈,不能谈,我还有其他事,我不是只为了等着你,一个下马威: A:i think your price is too high. B:沉默,不说话 A:frankly speaking,it is really too high.i can get a better price from another factory in china B: you have cooperated with them several times,right? A: NO,i had no business with them until now. B: why didn't you do business with them.the price is lower than mine. A: i wanna a lower price from you.because i have got some samples from your customer in my country and checked it ,good quality!Also, i need more suppliers,not only one! B: of course.all of the customers imported our dpt think high of it!can you tell me what's price they supplied to you? A: 1500USD B: impossible! tell you the truth,there are four kinds of main materials in process of dpt.After adding their price together,the result is almost bigger than 1500USD.you can check the prices of these materials .you have your own factory ,you know,there are to many kinds of cost in the factory,such as machine,repairing,salaries and so on! so 1500usd is impossible at all. A: ok,ignore it.but your price really a little high.if you can make it more competitive,i think we can get the business! B: OK,to get the business,i will check the bottom price with my general manager.wait for moment please 电话中——实际上所有的价格都在我自己的掌握中,打个电话只是为了让客户看出我为难,假意说,厂里需要重新确认报价,一会给我打过来!一会,厂里来电话,每吨最低便宜10美金,如果对方不能接受,就放弃谈判! our general manager just told me,we can decrease our price for 10usd to 1650usd.this is our bottom price A: still higher.if you can't accept the price 1630usd,i think there will no order for you. B: sorry to hear that.1650usd is really our bottom price.if you can't accept it.i am really helpless.so i think it is time for me to leave,right?we really can't accept 1630usd! A: wait wait my friend,i think we can have a further discussion about the pirce,right? B: i really can't accept 1630usd,if you insist 1630usd, and i insist 1650usd.i think we have no chance to discuss further,i am sorry!but i really nice meeting you!(我开始收拾我的文件,整理一下背包,我故意把节奏放的很慢,看看客户到底是什么反应!我收拾好东西,站起身,伸出手,说道)have a good journey in china,if you have free time,welcome to Jinan! A: wait for a moment ,my friend.ok,1650usd,no problem.45.9tons,payment:30% TT advanced and 70% LC at sight.ok? B:ok,thank you.my friend.i take the contract with me,we can confirm it.please inform your assistant to TT 30% of the total value advanced! A: sure.you must promise the quality and the shipment date. B: don't worry at all.i promise! ………… 今天我已经回到公司,对方已经安排打款,信用证也在开立过程中,其实这个谈判整个过程是因为对客户有点把握,客户以前嫌价格高都是事后告诉我们,根本不给我们谈判的机会,这次能够通知我来到中国了,说明价格实在可接受的范围之内的!只不过想再便宜一些而已! 把握住这个点,谈判就容易了很多,自己能够有很大的主动权,尤其是他曾经找到我们原先在他们国家的销售商拿过样品,认定质量不错! 最后用的一个谈判的技巧就是“置之死地而后生”,自己提出来,不能再继续谈判了,因为双方已经没有了找到共同利益点的可能性,再呆下去也是浪费时间!这一招让对方觉得你的确是已经最低了。就如同买衣服,对方提出一个价格,我们还价后,非要这个价格成交,对方说卖不了,只要你转身一走,就知道到底能不能拿下了! 当然前提是你对客户有一点的了解,不能盲目的用,小心真的走了,没有继续谈判的可能性,还有,即使最后谈判无果,我也有理由再回来,因为我进门的时候是带着伞的,伞放在了门后面,我可以故意扔下伞,万一客户不妥协,我还有回来的理由,继续找机会谈判! (责任编辑:最模板) |